Today he showed lots of his strong will at home though. I told him to "come here and put your pajamas on"; Will "no"; me "do you want me to spank you"; Will "no" *sweet eyes and grin*. So I got up and spanked him then we went through the conversation a second time...another spanking and I "helped" him to where his pajamas were and we put them on (of course even with the spanking he was still all smiles and sweet eyes). I'm really working on the discipline but he normally just looks at me with the cutest face and smiles innocently...oh the joys of strong willed, non compliant toddlers (it will all come back during the pre-teen and teen years, oh how I'm looking forward to that!) I think I'm going to re-read James Dobson's The New Strong Willed Child as a refresher, then I'm going to go invest in his other book, The New Dare to Discipline (I think is what it's called). I'm trying to walk the thin line between you will listen to me because I'm the parent and crushing his strong will (it will come in handy one day when he's a lawyer or something, he loves to talk).
His "I didn't do anything" look...This is right after he found his TaDoodle markers and had red on his face and hands...if you look closely it's still on parts of his hands.
My grandmother is still hanging in there. I got a text from my mom this morning saying they may have messed up when they were intubating her, she wanted to know how that might happen (I work in a hospital billing office). I told her to request a copy of her medical records, which I found out today you don't have to wait until they are discharged to get a copy. She also said that because my grandmother had a living will, they should not have had to wait until Monday, they should have been able to take her off life support on Friday after the first ct my mom and aunts are going to try to meet with the hospital executives or the ethics committee tomorrow.
yes, The New Dare to Discipline, is the name of his new book. We're working on some discipline with Kyndall too. If she gets out of control, and we can't get her to calm down, we put her in her crib until she fusses it out herself. So far we've had to do it the past 3 mornings, but each morning shes calmed herself down faster.
I'm glad Will is adjusting well! Kyndall is in an adjustment period too. She moved up to the one year old room at school this week. They eat lunch as a class and only take one nap.
We've been praying for your family. Hopefully they will get some answers soon!
I'm praying for your family and grandmother!
We've been trying to be consistent with discipline over here. Well my husband is a lot better at it than me. I think I just get so worn out being pregnant I give in to easily sometimes.
Both those books you mentioned sound helpful!
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